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Version: 0.12

iCloud Container(iOS)

Typescript Types


A full icloud path string without schema, for example:

  • /path/to/icloud-container/my/file.txt
  • file:///path/to/icloud-container/my/file.txt
  • my/file.txt
  • /my/file.txt


A full file path string with or without schema from your application, for example:

  • /path/to/app/documents/my/file.txt
  • file:///path/to/app/documents/my/file.txt
  • /my/file.txt



Check whether icloud is available. This will return false when:

  • user disabled your app from accessing icloud drive in system settings
  • user did not log in with apple id
function isICloudAvailable(): Promise<boolean>


Get the default icloud container url which is the first container selected in (xcode) settings.

This would be an empty string or undefined if cannot get it, for example:

  • the developer did not create a icloud container
  • the developer did not choose a icloud container

The value of this property was set on app startup and will not change even if user disabled or enabled icloud later while your app is running, you can use getDefaultICloudContainerPath to get the always-new data.

const defaultICloudContainerPath: ICloudPath | undefined


Get current default container url. This function will always return the newest path or undefined if it cannot get it.

function getDefaultICloudContainerPath(): Promise<ICloudPath | undefined>


Get path from specific container id

function getICloudURL(
containerIdentifier?: string,
): Promise<ICloudPath>


When onProgress option provided, make sure you have called registerGlobalUploadEvent at the beginning of your app

function writeFile(
icloudPath: ICloudPath,
content: string,
options: {
override?: boolean
onProgress?: (data: {progress: number}) => void
): Promise<void>


Return utf8 string

function readFile(
icloudPath: ICloudPath
): Promise<string>


Read files/directories under the provided path

function readDir(
icloudPath: ICloudPath
): Promise<ICloudPath[]>


function createDir(
icloudPath: ICloudPath
): Promise<void>


function moveDir(
icloudPathFrom: ICloudPath,
icloudPathTo: ICloudPath
): Promise<void>


Copy the file or directory

function copy(
icloudPathFrom: ICloudPath,
icloudPathTo: ICloudPath,
options: {override: boolean}
): Promise<void>

Delete the file or directory

function unlink(
icloudPath: ICloudPath
): Promise<void>


Check whether the file or directory exists

function exist(
icloudPath: ICloudPath
): Promise<boolean>


Get the detailed info of the file/directory

function stat(
icloudPath: ICloudPath
): Promise<ICloudStat>

interface ICloudStat {
isInICloud?: boolean;
containerDisplayName?: string;
isDownloading?: boolean;
hasCalledDownload?: boolean;
downloadStatus?: DownloadStatus;
downloadError?: string;
isUploaded?: boolean;
isUploading?: boolean;
uploadError?: string;
hasUnresolvedConflicts?: boolean;
modifyTimestamp?: number;
createTimestamp?: number;
name?: string;
localizedName?: string;
fileSize?: number;
isDirectory?: boolean;


A wrapper of evictUbiquitousItem

Removes the local copy of the file or directory that’s stored in iCloud. This doesn't delete the file or directory, you should use unlink if you want to delete it permanently

function evictUbiquitousItem(
path: ICloudPath
): Promise<undefined>


A wrapper of startDownloadingUbiquitousItem

Starts downloading (if necessary) the specified item to the local system.

function startDownloadingUbiquitousItem(
path: ICloudPath
): Promise<undefined>


A wrapper of setUbiquitous

Indicates whether the item at the specified URL should be stored in iCloud.

function setUbiquitous(
flag: boolean,
path: ICloudPath | LocalPath,
destPath: ICloudPath | LocalPath
): Promise<undefined>


A wrapper of url(forPublishingUbiquitousItemAt..)

Returns a URL that can be emailed to users to allow them to download a copy of a flat file item from iCloud. Your app must have access to the network for this call to succeed.

function getUrlForPublishingUbiquitousItem(
path: ICloudPath,
expirationTimestamp?: number
): Promise<string>


Upload the local file from the app to iCloud container, icloudPath should not exist before uploading or it will throw error


This function will be resolved immediately, if your want to wait until uploaded, you can wrap it with Promise yourself

function upload(
localPath: LocalPath,
icloudPath: ICloudPath,
options?: {
onProgress?: (data: {progress: number}) => void
): Promise<void>


Download file in the icloud. If you want to put the file in the icloud to your application directories, you must download it and then move/copy the file.


This function will be resolved immediately, if your want to wait until uploaded, you can wrap it with Promise yourself

function download(
// support both `.xx.icloud` and `xx`
icloudPath: ICloudPath,
options?: {
onProgress?: (data: {progress: number}) => void
): Promise<void>

Event Registers


Call this function at the beginning once to make onProgress callback of upload/writeFile work

useEffect(() => {
const uploadEvent = registerGlobalUploadEvent()
return () => {
}, [])


Call this function at the beginning once to make onProgress callback of download work

useEffect(() => {
const downloadEvent = registerGlobalDownloadEvent()
return () => {
}, [])


Call this function at the beginning once to make onICloudIdentityDidChange event work

useEffect(() => {
const identityDidChangeEvent = registerICloudIdentityDidChangeEvent()
return () => {
}, [])



This event only be called at the first search phase


This event only be called at the first search phase


This event only be called at the first search phase



download and uplaod have supported onProgress, so this event is not needed if you don't have special needs

This event emits when upload/download progress updated.

If you download a file that already exist locally, this event will not be called, because system don't need to download cloud file, first-phase related events will be triggered with related data (you can use downloadStatus property returned by stat() to check if file was in local)


Rarely used event. From the official doc: The system generates this notification when the user logs into or out of an iCloud account or enables or disables the syncing of documents and data. when the user logs into or out of an iCloud account or enables or disables the syncing of documents and data.