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Version: 0.8

Trouble Shooting

Why my folder and files not visible in iCloud drive folder?

  1. make sure your NSUbiquitousContainers config in Info.plist is correct
  2. make sure your path passed to API includes 'Documents', for example '/path-to-icloud-container/Documents/myCustomContent' but not '/path-to-icloud-container/myCustomContent'
  3. if above are correct, try to bump your build version in XCode/Info.plist and rebuild

What is .xxx.icloud file?

When reading iCloud dir, you would find files named like .xxx.icloud, this format means the file has not downloaded to your local device, it's currently stored on iCloud drive. You can call download to download it, after downloaded, re-call readDir and you will find .xxx.icloud become into xxx, then you can use such as react-native-fs to copy it from iCloud container to your app's documents folder.